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(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

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     "During the Third Reich even 'the party liners' who lived around 'the death camps' were reluctant to believe that 'their government' could commit such horrendous crimes as were discovered after the invasion of Germany. Yet, although they heard faint screams in the far distance and cries for help -- they SHUT THEIR EARS TO IT. Even though they saw carloads of people by the thousands going into the concentration camps -- and none return -- THEY SHUT THEIR EYES TO IT. Even when they saw billows of smoke belch from the bowels of the burners and smelt the stiff strong stench of burning flesh -- THEY SHUT THEIR SENSES TO IT. And, in spite of the fact rumor had it that 'unspeakable horrors' were going on in the 'killing camps' - THEY SHUT THEIR MINDS TO IT.
     "Those that asked local government officials, like yourself, WHAT WAS GOING ON were told that it was all 'TOP SECRET' and involved 'NATIONAL SECURITY'.....and NOT TO QUESTION AUTHORITY. Then one day when the war came to a close and the truth was unearthed, the 'party people' acted shocked when it became public that millions had been mass-murdered. They just couldn't believe that genocide, infanticide and homicide could have been not only allowed but carried out to the last deadly detail by other 'party liners' in the government who just went along...... saw nothing, said nothing and did nothing.
     "When it came time for the TRIAL at Nuremberg, Mrs. Cafferata, the 'Vun, Vurid, Vurkers' who ran the killer concen- tration camps at Auschwitz and Dachau -- 'CLAIMED INNOCENCE'. Even those 'party people' who shoved and shoveled their victims into those carnivorous crematoriums - 'CLAIMED INNOCENCE'. THEY SAID THEY WERE JUST OBEYING ORDERS. They said they were merely carrying out the MASTER PLAN -- for the Master Race.
     "I am not accusing you of any crime, Mrs. Cafferata. It is possible that you could just be so inordinately apathetic or just so blindly obeying orders that you cannot see, or simply refuse to open your eyes to what's going on. Or do you 'CLAIM INNOCENCE', Mrs. Cafferata? The Attorney General's office will be the judge of that. It is the A.G.'s responsibility to determine if any crimes have been, or are now being committed or allowed 'to be committed' by your office. Ultimately, any decision with regards to the 'wholesale abuse of the law' is made by the prosecution who tries the case, be it in a court of law or before the bar of public opinion..."
     "Sincerely, Anthony J. Hilder - RADIO FREE AMERICA"

     Perhaps those of us who read these words should heed the battle-cry of the Jews when they say: "NEVER AGAIN!!!"
     In the early 1990's an avowed high-level Intelligence Worker in the U.S. Government who refers to himself only as "Commander X", for his own protection, 'spilled the beans' on a key secret concerning the interaction and conflict taking place below the Mojave Desert, against the Gray Empire which had entrenched itself in the subterranean levels of the Southwest:

"The underground...base outside of Dulce, New Mexico, is perhaps the one MOST FREQUENTLY referred to. It's existence is most widely known, including several UFO abductees who have apparently been taken there for examination and then either managed to escape or were freed just in the nick of time by friendly...forces.
     "According to UFO conspiracy buff and ex-Naval Intelligence Officer Milton (William) Cooper, '...a confrontation broke out between the human scientists and the Aliens at the Dulce underground lab. The Aliens took many of our scientists hostage. Delta Forces were sent in to free them but they were no match for the Alien weapons. Sixty-six people were killed during this action. As a result we withdrew from all joint projects for at least two years...'
     "CENTURIES AGO, SURFACE PEOPLE (some say the ILLUMINATI) entered into a pact with an 'Alien nation' HIDDEN WITHIN THE EARTH." Commander X alleges. "The U.S. Government, in 1933, agreed to trade animals in exchange for high-tech knowledge, and to allow them to use (undisturbed) UNDERGROUND BASES, in the Western U.S.A. A special group was formed to deal with the 'Alien' beings. In the 1940's 'Alien Life Forms' (ALF) began shifting their focus of operations, FROM CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, TO THE U.S.A.
     "The CONTINENTAL DIVIDE is vital to these 'entities.' Part of this has to do with magnetics (substrata rock) and high energy states (plasma)... This area has a very high concentration of lightning activity; underground waterways and cavern systems; fields of atmospheric ions; etc..."

     The following is taken from an article by 'TAL' LeVesque, titled 'THE COVERT RETURN OF AN ALIEN SPECIES OF REPTILIAN HERITAGE - THE DULCE BASE,' which appeared in a mailer-newsletter distributed by researcher Patrick O'Connel:

According to TAL, ages ago "...a CONFLICT with other beings (ELs) destroyed most of their (Reptilian) civilization, which forced some into DEEP CAVERNS & others to LEAVE EARTH (to Alpha Draconis and/or Altair in the constellation Aquila, which in ancient lore was associated with evil reptilian creatures)... The conflict is a Species War, between the Evadamic Seed & the 'Serpent' (draconian) Seed.
(Note: Researcher Maurice Doreal claims that this "conflict" took place between giant humans or 'ELs' working with PRE-NORDICS based in the Gobi region of Asia several thousand years ago, and Reptilian hominoids based in Antarctica! - Branton)
     "Under cover of darkness, with bases hidden inside the earth, this nocturnal invader has chosen to reclaim what was once theirs & use it (and us) as a staging area in their ancient conflict with the 'ELs'.
     (Note: That is, the reptilians wish to 'reclaim' that which they WANT US TO BELIEVE was once theirs. The 'ELs' are the so-named EL-der race, a human-like culture tied into the Evadamic heritage yet who have attained or retained a very tall physical stature, in some cases being twice as tall as the average 'International' or 'surface' Terran. Because of their physical differences, they have chosen to inhabit exterran, subterran, and according to some other dimensional realms so as not to induce irrational fear or worship of themselves by their more diminutive human cousins - Branton)
     "Humans with alien brain implants (the 'zombies') have been programmed to help overthrow Mankind in the NEAR FUTURE. The 'Reptoids' are even able TO TRANSFORM THEMSELVES INTO BEINGS WITH HUMAN CHARACTERISTICS & FEATURES. The planet Earth is being stressed so that human resistance will be minimal, during the overt takeover & control of Mankind.
     "It started as a 'joint interaction program.' An Alien Species wanted to 'share' parts of it's advanced technology with certain humans in KEY POSITIONS OF POWER within government, military, corporations, 'secret societies', etc... The population as a whole began to be manipulated into the 'Alien Agenda'... they wanted TOTAL CONTROL of us!"
(Note: When this was written, the real name of the 'source' of information described in the following paragraph was with- held and known only as "T.C." or "Thomas C.". We have now been authorized to reveal the full name of the former Dulce Base worker as being Thomas Edwin Castello, who possessed a LEVEL-7 "ULTRA" security clearance within the Dulce facility, and who was in fact a head of Security within the underground installation. There are unconfirmed reports that Thomas Castello, after years in hiding, has finally passed away in Costa Rica. Whether or not his alleged death had anything to do with his intimate knowledge of the underground bases, is not known - Branton)
     "...T.C (had) seen tall Reptilian Humanoids at the base. This is interesting to me because in 1979 I came face-to-face with the over 6 foot tall 'Other' Species (REPTOIDS) which materialized in our home! They took blood from my wife (who is an Rh-negative blood type); & her daughter, who was 1500 miles away.
     "...We all came to know that the 'Visitors' were here to stay. We also learned how the Reptilian Race was RETURNING to Earth & the 'Greys' -- who are mercenaries -- WERE BEING USED to interface (with) & manipulate hu-mans. Their DEMONIC AGENDA was to keep earth surface (mankind) CONFUSED & unaware of their true nature & potential... ALSO (to conceal) THE KNOWLEDGE OF VAST & VARIED CIVILIZATIONS LIVING WITHIN THE EARTH.
     "The Fantastic Truth was made to seem a fantasy, a legend, a myth, an illusion! The REPTOIDS are RETURNING to earth to use it as a staging area, in their ANCIENT CONFLICT with the Elohim (the Creator and the Angelic forces as described in Revelation chapter 12, who are not to be confused with the 'ELs' with whom the Reptilians are ALSO in conflict - Branton). The ADAMIC Race has underground bases within Mars... they are a 'Warrior Cult' culture.
     "...There is a vast network of Tube Shuttle connections under the U.S., which extends into a GLOBAL SYSTEM OF TUNNELS & SUB-CITIES... Note: They (reptilians) DO NOT consider themselves 'Aliens'... they claim Terra (3rd from the Sun) was their home before we (humans) arrived.
     (Note: The saurian grays may have originated on earth and 'developed' or 'mutated' from the early bi-pedal saurioid species, yet there is much evidence that their 'claim' that this is 'their' planet is merely propaganda designed to convince the human race that they or we must surrender this world to their control - Branton).
     "...As a species," TAL continues, "the reptilian heritage beings (the Greys, Reptoids, Winged Draco with 2 horns - the classic stereotype of the 'Devil')... are highly analytical & technologically oriented. They are seriously into the sciences of automation (computers) & bio-engineering (genetics)! However, their exploits in these areas has led to reckless experimentation, WITH TOTAL DISREGARD FOR ETHICS (moral standards) AND EMPATHY. This is also true of MANY OF THE HUMAN BEINGS WORKING WITH THEM!."

     TAL then describes something which might seem unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that dozens of other sources tend to confirm it. This discovery was allegedly one of the REAL reasons for the incitation of the 'Dulce Wars':

"...LEVEL #7 is the worst. Row after row of 1,000's of humans & human-mixture remains in cold storage. Here too are embryos of humanoids in various stages of development. Also, many human childrens' remains in storage vats. Who are (were) these people?"

     The sources for these incredibly disturbing allegations aside from Thomas Castello himself, according to TAL, included:

"...people who worked in the labs, abductees taken to the base, people who assisted in the construction, intelligence personnel (NSA, CIA, etc.), and UFO-Inner Earth researchers." This information, TAL states, "is meant for those who are seriously interested in the Dulce base. For YOUR OWN PROTECTION, be advised to 'USE CAUTION' while investigating this complex."

     The 'Symbol' for the Dulce Base that is worn on many of the workers there, allegedly consists of an UPSIDE-DOWN triangle or pyramid with an upside-down 'T' superimposed over it. William Hamilton added a few comments in his book 'COSMIC TOP SECRET', concerning studies of the carcasses of mutilated cattle found near Dulce, New Mexico. These include:

"...Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratories in Albuquerque analyzed the samples (of the affected hides of cattle studied by Gomez and Burgess) and found significant deposits of potassium and magnesium. The potassium content was 70 times above normal.
     "...Level 1 (of the Dulce base) contains the garage for STREET MAINTENANCE. Level 2 contains the garage for TRAINS, SHUTTLES, TUNNEL-BORING MACHINES (or what former Dulce-base worker Thomas Castello refers to as the "terron drive" - Branton), AND DISC MAINTENANCE.
     "...The Greys and reptoid species... have had ancient CONFLICTS with the NORDIC humans from outer space societies, and may be staging here for a future conflict."

     Penny Harper, in the January 1990 issue of 'WHOLE LIFE TIMES', wrote an article in which she referred to the UFOlogist and prominent physicist Paul Bennewitz:

"Paul Bennewitz -- whereabouts unknown (Note: A search of a major laser-disc U.S. telephone database in 1993 revealed only one listing for 'Paul Bennewitz' -- at 120 E. Pebble Beach Dr., Tempe, AZ 85282 -- telephone #602-966-5704. This may or may not be the 'Paul Bennewitz' in question - Branton). Paul was a scientist investigating an abduction case. A woman and her son drove down a road in the southwest, the woman witnessed aliens mutilating a calf. The aliens captured both mother and son, taking them into an underground installation." The woman saw many frightening things, apparently much of it similar to what abductees Christa Tilton, Judy Doraty and others had witnessed, yet they -- mother and son -- also saw, according to Penny Harper: "...human body parts floating in a vat of amber liquid. After a horrifying ordeal, the woman and her son were taken back to their car. Bennewitz was able to determine that there is a secret 'alien' base beneath Dulce, New Mexico. He wrote 'The Dulce Report' and sent it to the civilian UFO group called APRO (i.e. Aerial Phenomena Research Organization). Bennewitz was then committed to the New Mexico State Hospital for the mentally ill where he was given electro-shock 'therapy.' When he was discharged, he publicly stated that he would not have anything to do with UFOs. He is a recluse today, but still alive, last I heard."

     Again, we quote from Commander X, who has stated:

"...From my own intelligence work within the military, I can say WITH ALL CERTAINTY that one of the main reasons the public has been kept in total darkness about the reality of UFOs and 'aliens', is that the truth of the matter actually exists TOO CLOSE TO HOME TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT. How could a spokesman for the Pentagon dare admit that five or ten thousand feet underground EXISTS AN ENTIRE WORLD THAT IS 'FOREIGN' TO A BELIEF STRUCTURE WE HAVE HAD FOR CENTURIES? How could, for example, our fastest bomber be any challenge to those aerial invaders when we can only guess about the routes they take to the surface; eluding radar as they fly so low, headed back to their underground lair?
     "...the 'Greys' or the 'EBEs' have established a fortress, spreading out to other parts of the U.S. via means of a vast underground tunnel system THAT HAS VIRTUALLY EXISTED BEFORE RECORDED HISTORY..."

     The following account, concerning an area in THE MOJAVE just east of BISHOP (OWENS VALLEY), CALIFORNIA, was related by Val Valerian in his 'LEADING EDGE' Newsletter, Dec. 1989 - Jan. 1990 issue. The article, titled: 'DEEP SPRING'S, CALIFORNIA', stated:

"Deep Springs, California is an area that is becoming known as the site for very strange events. According to the information released both on the air on KVEG-AM and from other sources, the area is full of strange people wandering around in black suits. There have also been rumors that there is an underground facility in the area. Checking with gravity anomaly maps proved that there are large cavities under the ground in that area. The wildest claims relative to the area have stated that alien lifeforms are being released there... Deep Springs Lake has been probed and it appears bottomless. Divers have traveled along an underground river 27 miles toward the Las Vegas area before having to turn around."
     (This 'river' would probably have been a 'partially' water- filled passage with a large stream or river flowing through it, rather than an entirely underwater system, since 27 miles of travel through entirely underwater passage would most likely be entirely out of the question, with present diving technology - Branton).

     The following list of 'entity types' or 'aliens' comes from the anonymous Intelligence worker 'Commander X', as he received them from John Lear and other 'inside' sources:

"THREE TYPES OF EBE'S (GRAYS): GRAY-1 -- 3 1/2 feet tall. Large head. Large slanted eyes. Worship technology. Don't give a damn about mankind. GRAY-2 -- Same type, different finger arrangement, slightly different face. More sophisticated than Gray-1... May not need secretions (large- nosed or large-muzzled grays? - Branton). GRAYS: Same basic type. Lips thinner. More subservient to other two grays.
     "BLONDES, SWEDES, NORDICS: Known by any of these monikers. Similar to humans (although it is unknown as to whether they are related to any of the nationalities mentioned). Blond hair, blue eyes. Will not break (so-called) 'universal law' of 'non-interference' to help us...
     "INTER-DIMENSIONAL: Entity that can assume various shapes... (also include fallen angelics or poltergeists. These often apparently utilize androidal forms to operate in the 'physical' realm, temporary energy forms, forms constructed from restructured physical matter, or even physical biological 'shells' constructed from 'mutilated organs' and other materials, etc. - Branton)
"HAIRY DWARF'S: Four feet tall, 35 lbs. Extremely strong. Hairy (possibly a degenerate branch of the humanoid Sasquatch - Branton).
     "VERY TALL RACE: Look like humans but seven or eight feet tall. United with Blondes.
     "MIB'S: (Men In Black). Wear all black. Sunglasses. Very pale skin. Do nor conform to normal accepted patterns; Extremely sensitive to light..."

     Researcher Val Valerian has quoted various 'inside' sources who claim that the Grays are able to use organs taken from mutilated victims to construct physical 'shells' for their invisible or non-physical (demoniacal-poltergeist?) masters, allowing them to operate in the physical. In apparent confirmation, 'Commander X' shows how the Saurians might be able to 'create' such biogenetic forms:

"...What the government didn't realize was that they (the Grays) planned to abduct tens of thousands of individuals, plant monitoring devices in their brains, and program them with specific series' of responses to direct commands.
     "The EBEs -- also behind our backs -- began to mutilate cows and other animals because they wished to use their tissues TO CREATE A GENETICALLY ADVANCED RACE OF FLESH AND BLOOD ROBOTS. When the government realized what the EBEs had in mind, and wanted to back out of their agreement, THE 'ALIENS' TOOK OVER SEVERAL UNDERGROUND BASES WHERE THEY HAD ALREADY INSTALLED UNDERGROUND LABORATORIES."

     On p. 109 of John Keel's book 'THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES', we read the following concerning an even more alarming possibility in regards to the reptilian threat:

"...I am an amateur herpetologist and once kept three-fanged cobras in my New York apartment... until my concerned neighbors squealed to the Board of Health. SOME OF THE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE (alien) ENTITIES IMPRESSED ME AS RESEMBLING SOME KIND OF REPTILE RATHER THAN HUMAN MAMMALS. I didn't mention the reptile notion to anyone. But on July 24, Lia (an alleged alien tied-in with the Men In Black - Branton) visited Jane (a contactee) and refused to talk about anything but eggs. She took some eggs from Jane's refrigerator and sucked out the contents like a reptile! Jane was perplexed by this exhibition and called me soon afterward." And on pp. 176-177 of Signet's 1975 paperback edition of 'MOTHMAN PROPHECIES', in reference to this same 'contactee' Keel states:
     "...Meanwhile, Jane's phantom friends were visiting her daily and helpfully giving her surprising information about my own 'secret' investigations. My interview with the Christiansens of Cape May, and the details of their pill-popping visitor, Tiny, was then known only to a few trusted people like Ivan Sanderson. But on June 12, Mr. Apol and his friends (including the creature referred to above which called itself 'Lia' - Branton) visited Jane when she was alone in her house and asked for water so they could take some pills. Then they presented her with three of the same pills, told her to take one at that moment, and to take one other in two days. The third pill, they said, was for her to analyze to assure herself it was harmless. They undoubtedly knew she would turn it over to me. Two hours after she took the first pill she came down with a blinding HEAD ache, her eyes became bloodshot, and her vision in her right eye was affected. When her parents came home they expressed concern because her eyes were glassy and her right eye seemed to have a cast. The sample pill proved to be a SULFA DRUG normally prescribed for infections of the urinary tract..." The possible significance of the 'Sulfa' drugs will become apparent later on in this File.

     In early 1992 the UNIVERSAL Company's Debut Network aired a made-for-TV version of John Carpenter's movie 'THEY LIVE', which was based on the premise of an alien race of bulge- eyed (one might imagine saurian-reptilian?) creatures that had infiltrated human society, disguised as humans, and which were in the process of subtly taking control of powerful social, media, economic and political positions. They were assisted by a small group of 'human power elite' who through subliminal 'mind control', hidden frequency transmitters, television propaganda, etc., helped to keep the masses in a constant state of semi- consciousness. Those who had not caught-on to the alien conspiracy went about their business in a slightly catatonic state sufficient to keep them 'blind' or 'asleep' to the point that the aliens and their subversive activities remained just outside of their conscious perception. It is interesting that John Carpenter (not to be confused with the well known MUFON investigator) depicted the attempts of the aliens to "annihilate" human consciousness as a means to minimizing human resistance, by destroying individual creativity and programming all human "cattle" to conform to the dictates of the alien intruders. All of this without humanity even being aware that they were the mind- slaves of an alien force which they were "programmed" to believe did not exist.
     Also in the movie, secret subliminal messages were broadcast throughout all levels of society via all branches of the media, keeping the sleeping masses in a constant state of tranquilized apathy and subservience. A HORRIFYING prospect to say the lest. Also in the movie, the aliens utilized 'joint' underground bases beneath major cities which were more-or-less the back-stage of the alien control scenario.
     Incidentally, Disneyworld in Florida contains an underground tunnel network with hidden entrances. The employees of the park use these as a 'back stage' -- dressing rooms, employee indoctrination centers and other facilities necessary to keep up THE ILLUSION of 'Disneyworld'. This is of course all innocent enough, yet John Carpenter in his movie reveals the idea that the huge underground 'bases' beneath major cities are being used as 'back stages' in order to keep an infinitely more diabolical 'illusion' going, with the help of power-elite who are assisting in the covert subjugation of the masses for personal gain. The movie 'THEY LIVE' was based on the short story by Ray Nelson, 'Eight O'Clock in the Morning'. One might wonder where Nelson got the inspiration for his story, especially when we realize that the subject of the story and the movie itself is very similar to events which -- according to numerous sources -- are actually taking place, if we are to accept the MANY accounts which appear in this and other Files.
     Also, in the movie it is the Judeo-Christian element which first 'wakes up' to what is going on, and who begin the revolutionary 'resistance' movement in order to destroy the stranglehold of the aliens upon human society... Could this scenario be somewhat prophetical as the book of Matthew (13:24-28) seems to suggest?
     'Commander X' released details of an incident which may well have come right out of a John Carpenter movie, if not for the fact that the Commander himself -- from his own high-security position within the Intelligence Community -- is convinced of its potential reality:

"...Another story comes from a private stationed on the surface at Dulce. He soon realized something mighty 'odd' was going on around there, but it took a while to put his finger on it.
     "'One morning last September, I was working on a routine job when another of the young enlistees, a mechanic, came in with a small rush job he wanted welded at once. He had the print and proceeded to show me exactly what he wanted. We are both bending over the bench in front of the welder when I happened to look directly into his face. It seemed to suddenly become covered with a semi-transparent film or cloud. His features faded and in their place appeared a 'thing' with bulging eyes, no hair and SCALES for skin. I stood and looked at it for about 20 seconds. WHATEVER IT WAS stood and looked at me without moving. Then the strange face seemed to fade away, and at the same time recede into the ordinary face of the young man underneath. The dissipation of the imposed face lasted or took about five seconds before it was completely gone and I was standing there weak, my mouth open and staring at the young man who had come in with the rush order. The young 'man' did not seem to be conscious of the elapsed time when I had observed all this but went right on talking about the job as if nothing had happened.
     "'This is hard to take but I assure you it was still harder for me. No one can realize a jolt you could get from seeing anything like this until they have experienced it for themselves. It was several days before I had myself convinced that maybe after all what I had seen was real and that I was not suffering from illusions and the beginning of insanity. Days passed before I saw this particular phenomena again. The next time was later at night at the guard house near the front gate, on the way to work. I had purchased some small items and on arriving I went around to the guard house with my slip to retrieve my package. There was only one guard on duty. I handed him the check and he began to look at the package, taking his time. I waited a minute, then happened to look directly at him again. His face began to change. Again a face of a strange creature was imposed. You could see through the imposed face for a few seconds and then it became the only one visible (solidified is the word) and again about 20 seconds duration. Again five seconds for dissipation and the guard started to move normally again, found my package and gravely handed it to me and I walked out without a word being said.'" Since I came across this report from the 'Commander' I have as a result of intense research discovered others that would seem to confirm it. Some of the reports speak of the "Men In Black" who have terrorized UFO witnesses as being in essence reptilian humanoids with a full-scale -- although at times not-too-convincing -- 'plastic surgery' job apparently intended to allow them to operate in human society undetected. Some of the early 'infiltrators' betrayed themselves with their plastic-artificial appearance, whereas in more recent years the 'disquise' has become far more sophisticated and therefore harder to detect, especially with the alleged use of laser holograms to project a human-like facade around their bodies, assisted by techno-hypnosis and even a bit of molecular "shape-shifting" according to other sources. However there ARE ways to see through the "facade" of these "chameleons"...

     Researcher George Andrews, in his book EXTRATERRESTRIAL FRIENDS AND FOES (ILLUMINET PRESS., P.O. Box 2808., Lilburn, GA 30226) quotes a statement made by Valdamar Valerian, director of LEADING EDGE RESEARCH (P.O. Box 7530 - STE 58., Yelm, WA 98597-7530):

"...A friend of mine and four of his friends experimented with crystalline structures a year or two ago (mid-1980's - Branton), and they figured out how to cut them along certain planes so they could actually see the aura or energy field around people. That's when they discovered that all people aren't people, or the people they thought they were. It appears that some E.T. humanoids have a dark blue ovoid aura. It so happens that all the people they checked that met this criteria also wore dark glasses and made every attempt to act like they really wanted nothing to do with people in general.
     "They followed one of these people out into the desert where he evidently had a trailer. After waiting until dusk, they made a pretense of needing help and knocked on the door. After a short while, the light went on and the man came to the door. He looked normal, EXCEPT THAT HIS PUPILS WERE VERTICAL SLITS INSTEAD OF CIRCLES. It works. The only trouble is that it costs $2,000 to put a pair of those glasses together..."

     Several areas across the Western U.S. where surface and/or underground military installations exist have reportedly produced similar "Chameleon" sightings. There seems to be a trend which involves the infiltration of the CIA and the subsequent 'replacement' of CIA personnel, and in turn Military personnel, by alien life forms not loyal to planet earth nor to the human race in general. Aside from Dulce, NM and the Nevada Test Site, other areas where these sightings have taken place include Deep Springs, CA where 'Men In Black" have been sighted, and Dougway, Utah where one woman by the name of Barbara who worked as a hair stylist claimed she one of the HIGH RANKING OFFICIALS transform temporarily into an entity with 'reptilian' features. Another source at Dougway who worked in an auto shop claimed that he saw a similar phenomena while changing the tires on the car of one Dougway military official. It is interesting that there are claims that the 'Dreamland' activity of Nevada has been extended to the underground facilities below Dougway.
(Note: There have been similar reports as the above emerging from the Dougway Test Site on the Salt Flats of western Utah, just across the border from the Nevada Military complex. In fact there are allegations that much of the joint Alien-Illuminati activity which originated within the Nevada Military Complex has now moved into the underground facilities which have and are being constructed beneath Utah and Idaho, now that the Nevada activity has been the subject of wide exposure by the media. There is one reported case where a worker at the Dougway Test Site claimed to have seen a man temporarily transform into a reptilian while he was changing a tire, but the most interesting case was that of a woman, "Barbara", who worked in the small town of Dougway as a hair dresser. She worked on many of the base personnel there. On one occasion a customer who was a high- ranking military officer at the base came in. While she was working o